> 春节2024 > 大年三十你吃什么英文





Today is the so-called New Year\'s Eve. 今天是所谓的大年三十。

On this special day, families in China gather together to celebrate the arrival of the Lunar New Year. They prepare a variety of traditional dishes to enjoy a festive feast.


大年三十的英语表达是Chinese New Year\'s Eve中国新年的除夕。

Chinese New Year\'s Eve is an important occasion for Chinese people. It is the day before the Lunar New Year, and it marks the beginning of the Spring Festival celebration.


With the approaching Chinese New Year, families start to make various preparations. They clean their houses, buy New Year goods, and even make traditional treats like rice cakes.

On New Year\'s Eve, the whole family gathers around to have a reunion dinner. This is a time for family members to bond and enjoy delicious food together.


During the Spring Festival, besides the family reunion dinner, people also have the opportunity to visit relatives and friends. They exchange greetings and good wishes for the new year.

On New Year\'s Eve, families often watch the Spring Festival Gala together. This annual television show brings entertainment, music, and dance performances to celebrate the festive season.


除夕(大年三十)的英文表达是New Year\'s Eve; eve of lunar New Year春节 is translated as The Spring Festival农历 means lunar calendar正月 refers to lunar January.

The Lunar New Year\'s Eve is an important occasion for Chinese people. It is a time to bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new year with joy and hope. During this time, people participate in various customs and traditions to bring good luck and prosperity for the upcoming year.


If you see them, you will like them too. Our family made dumplings on the Eve of Chinese New Year. It is a traditional activity that brings family members together and symbolizes unity and good fortune.

Dumplings are a symbolic food during the Lunar New Year. Their shape resembles ancient Chinese silver ingots, symbolizing wealth and prosperity for the new year.


During the Spring Festival, families gather together to have a reunion dinner. It is a time to share blessings and strengthen family ties.

Children also visit their relatives and neighbors to wish them a happy new year and receive red envelopes. Red envelopes contain money, which is believed to bring good luck and blessings for the coming year.


大年三十 is translated as Spring Festival\'s Eve. 拜年 means to pay a New Year\'s visit. 年夜饭 refers to the reunion dinner. 压岁钱 is called red envelopes or lucky money.

The Spring Festival\'s Eve is a time for family members to come together and celebrate the Lunar New Year. The reunion dinner is the most important meal during this festive season, where families enjoy a feast and exchange good wishes for the coming year.

Red envelopes or lucky money are given to children as a symbol of good luck and blessings. It is a tradition that brings joy and excitement to the younger generation.


How do you spend the New Year\'s Eve? 你是怎么过大年除夕夜的呢?

On New Year\'s Eve, people have different ways to celebrate. Some may have a family reunion dinner at home, while others may go out to enjoy the festive atmosphere in the streets or attend temple fairs.

Fireworks and firecrackers are also set off at midnight to ward off evil spirits and welcome the new year with a bang.


Today is New Year\'s Eve, my father and I went back to our hometown to have a family reunion dinner. At 11 o\'clock in the morning, we started to prepare the festive meal together.

Having a family reunion dinner is a traditional custom during the Lunar New Year. It symbolizes unity, happiness, and good fortune for the entire family.